Friday, May 21, 2010


Welcome to my new blog!

I have decided that it is time. Time for me to relearn the basics of daily living.  I am used to purchasing items without thinking twice about where they come from or what kind of work went into making them. Essentially, I take for granted the world at my fingertips. This is what our society is based upon. It is time for me to venture into the world of "making", not buying, and "doing", not relying upon hired help. 

It is also time for me to get prepared in case of an emergency (should my husband or I lose our jobs, our economy collapses, a natural disaster hits, etc).  This type of preparation includes food and equipment storage, knowing how to do handy-man work, the art of homemaking (sewing, cooking, canning, etc), gardening, survival strategies, first aid, natural remedies for ailments and injuries, etc.

This blog will cover all of these topics above.  I am new at this, so together we can start this journey towards more knowledge and power.

My journey starts here and now. Join me as I learn and grow. We are at the drawing board, and back to the basics.


Julie said...

What a wonderful blog :) I am also on this journey and look forward to learning along with you!

Brandi M said...

Thank you! I'm glad you're learning along with me. Add your advice and experience when possible :)