Thursday, June 24, 2010

Warts- Home remedies

If you have warts like I have and would like to try some natural ways to get rid of them, here are some suggestions (I am going to try these since I have two warts and let you know how it goes):

- dandelion milk (milk secreted from the end of the herb can be directly applied to wart)
- rub vitamin E on wart 2-3 times daily
- soak in vinegar
- aloe vera juice
- soak in baking soda
- rub crushed garlic on the wart (be careful not to let it blister)
- soak in hot water to soften and kill virus
- use duct tape to cover wart
- apply castor oil
- soak in pineapple juice

Eventually your body recognizes the wart as a virus and kills them naturally.  However, this can take years before your body attacks them (I know from my childhood).


Katrina said...

Hey, seriously let me know if any of these work for you! I've had one for a few years now, but remembering how long it took me to get rid of warts I had years ago, I decided to just leave it alone to go away by itself. But really, it's been a ridiculously long time and I'm sick of it. Thanks for the ideas.

Brandi M said...

I am exactly the same way as you- completely tired of my warts. I'll let you know if anything works.

Jenni said...

grape seed extract (GSE). Get it in liquid form, and dab it on the wart several times a day.
I actually could only find powder (in capsules) so I broke it open in a little bowl, added a few drops of water to make a paste, then dabbed that on (and put a piece of med tape over it to keep it from getting rubbed off), It worked pretty well for me.

Brandi M said...

good to know- thanks Jenni!