Saturday, June 26, 2010

Dandelions- stuff you probably didn't know

How many times do we look out our windows in disgust, thinking about all the weeding that needs to be done. 

Not to fret!  (although I still do since we have so many).  Those dandelions can be put to good use... you can eat them!  According to the website, dandelions are one of the top 6 herbs in the chinese medicine chest, they rank in the top 4 green vegetables in overall nutritional value, and the third richest source of Vitamin A of all foods, after cod-liver oil and beef liver.

Somehow I get the feeling that these "weeds" are good for us.

My husband and I have talked about incorporating dandelions into our diet since we moved into our new house.  We have yet to do it, but after reading the article above, I am more inclinded to do so!

UPDATE NOTE:  I washed the dandelion leaves (June), eager to make a yummy salad, only to find the greens very bitter.  I did some more research and appearantly you need to pick the leaves BEFORE THE PLANT FLOWERS.  So this means harvest time for leaves is early spring.  Harvesting the leaf and freezing it like spinach is a great option to use the plant later.  Use in lasagna, pasta, or any other recipe that calls for spinach.  Of course, the yellow flowers are good for recipes too, so any time you find enough for a recipe, eat up (recipes below).
Here are a few recipes:




Let me know if you try these recipes or others, and what your thoughts are!


Amber D said...

Huh I might have to add some to our salad tonight....

Brandi M said...

OHH I forgot to add (because this was an auto-post written last week)... I actually DID wash up some dandelion leaves and tasted them- they were very bitter :( Then I found out that you want to eat them BEFORE the plant flowers, or else it will be bitter. Which means early spring. You can freeze it like spinach and add it to lasagna, pasta, or anything that calls for spinach. Cool stuff to know. I wouldn't recommend eating it tonight for dinner... wait until next spring.

Brandi M said...

Amber, I forgot to add that you CAN use the yellow flowers, if you have them in your yard.